Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pirate Picture Books

Allen, Pamela Cuthbert’s Babies
Allen, Pamela I wish I had a pirate suit
Ambrus, Victor G Blackbeard, the pirate
Andreae, Giles Captain Flinn and the pirate dinosaurs (2005);Missing treasure (2007)
Armitage, Ronda Lighthouse Keeper’s breakfast
A new home for a pirate (2007)
Bergman, Mara; ill. Nick Maland Oliver who was small but mighty (2008)
Burningham, John Come away from the water, Shirley
Clark, Sherryl; ill. Tom Jellett The littlest pirate (2008)
Cole, Babette The trouble with uncle
Cowley, Joy Captain Felonius
Cowley, Joy Pudding
Crebbin, June Hal the pirate (early reader—2004)
Crimi, Carolyn Henry and the buccaneer bunnies (2005)
Day, Jan The Pirate, Pink
Day, Jan Pirate Pink and treasures of the reef
DiCamillo, Kate; ill. Harry Bliss Louise, the adventures of a chicken (2008)
Dupasquier, Phillippe Tom’s pirate ship
Durrant, Geraldine; ill. Rose Forshall Pirate Gran 2008
Elliot, David Pigtails the Pirate
Fox, Mem Tough Boris
Funke, Cornelia; ill. Kerstin Meyer Pirate girl (2003)
Gliori, Debi The princess and the pirate king
Gould, Jane Pirate treasure
Grant, Simon; ill. Jenny Cooper Peter and the pig (2008)
Harris, Peter; ill. Deborah Allwright The night pirates (2006)
Harvey, Damian ill. Graham PhilpotA band of dirty pirates (early reader 2005)
Hawkins, Colin Pirates
Helquist, Brett Roger, the Jolly Pirate
Hutchins, Pat One-eyed Jake
Impey, Rose; ill. Nathan Reed Pirate Patch and the Black Bonnet attack (early reader 2008)
Jarman, Julia; ill. Lynne Chapman Class Three at sea (2008)
Joseph, Vivienne Baby Bumble & the sock pirates
Kraft, Jim; ill. Lynne Avril The no-good do-good pirates (2008)
Kroll, Steven The pigrates clean up
Lamm, C. Drew; ill. Stacey Schuett Pirates (2001)
Lasky, Kathryn; ill. David Clark Pirate Bob (2006)
Long, Melinda; ill. David Shannon How I became a pirate (2003)
McConnell, Sarah Don’t mention pirates (2007)
McElligott, Matthew Blackbeard : pirate for hire (2007)
McFarland, Lyn Rossiter The pirate’s parrot
McPhail, David Edward and the pirates
McNaughton, Colin Jolly Roger and the pirates of Abdul the skinhead
McNaughton, Colin Captain Abdul’s pirate school
Mahy, Margaret The horrendous hullabaloo
Mahy, Margaret The man whose mother was a pirate
Martyr, Andrew Patch the pirate cat
Meharry, Dot; ill. Cathy Abadie Pirate attack (2008)
Oakley, Graham The Foxbury force and the pirates
O’Malley, Kevin; ill. Patrick O’Brien Captain Raptor and the space pirates 2007
Paul, Korky Captain Teachum’s buried treasure
Peake, Mervyn Captain Slaughterboard drops anchor
Peet, Bill Cyrus and the unsinkable sea serpent
Petrie, Glen Lucy and the pirates
Platt, Richard Pirate Diary (shelved as fiction)
Priest, Robert The Old Pirate of Central Park
Rodgers, Frank The pirate and the pig
Ross, Tony The treasure of cosy cove, or, the voyage of the kipper
Ryan, John Captain Pugwash and the mutiny
Ryan, John Pugwash and the fancy dress party
Ryan, John Pugwash and the buried treasure
Ryan, John Pugwash in the Pacific
Ryan, John Pugwash the smuggler : a pirate story
Scarry, Richard Richard Scarry’s pie rats ahoy!
Schubert, Ingrid Wild Will
Sharrat, Nick Mrs. Pirate
Sobel, June; ill. Henry Cole Shiver me letters : a pirate ABC (2006)
Stevenson, James Worse than Willy!
Svendsen, Mark Captain me
Thomas John, Jane; ill. Craig V. Powell Oggle Poggle (2007)
Walker, Grant; ill. Geoff Tobin Captain Cough-a-lot (2008)
Wallace, John Pirate Boy
Whatley, Bruce Cowboy Pirate
Whybrow, Ian; ill. Russell Ayto Tim, Ted and the pirates (2006)
Yolen, Jane The ballad of the pirate queens

Junior Level Fiction Titles

FIC MOR Morgan, Anne Captain Clawbeak the one and only; Captain Clawbeak and the red herring (both 2006)

FIC MOR Morgan, Christopher; ill. Neil Curtis Pirates eat porridge (2006)

FIC ROD Rodgers, Frank Pirate penguins and the sardines of doom (2007); Pirate penguins and the nostrils of Neptune (Colour Young Puffin early chapter books)

FIC STR Strong, Jeremy; ill. Ian Cunliffe. Pirate School series:—
Where’s that dog? 2004; A very fishy battle 2007 (Colour Young Puffins)

821.914 HAR Harmer, David Pirate poems

History (picture book format)
941.505 OMA McCully, Emily Arnold The pirate queen

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